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11 responses to “Display Display Display

  1. Happy burning dog Christmas! 😛

  2. stripman

    And that’s just one thing I don’t like about Christmas…;o(

  3. Like pulling tinsel from a dogs arsehole…and so another analogy was born, epic and beautiful.

  4. When I read this comic yesterday… I laughed really loud. And that surprised me greatly because as a rule, I’m against any dog burning.
    It’s a testament to your talent that you can make someone as rigid as me laugh with your particular brand of humor. It helps greatly that I know Foo Foo will be around for future comics.
    Is it difficult drawing snow when you are in summer in your neck of the woods?
    A customer today said, “It’s cold… that’s what Christmas is all about.” I just smiled but really, that’s just the North America experience.
    I’m stopping now because I’m boring myself. Merry fu***ng Xmas.

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