One Hundred Percent Pure

….that is how our government sells NZ to the rest of the world…

…it ain’t necessarily true… I’ve come up with some more “appropriate” alternatives…  Scan 38


…that should get ’em flocking to our shores…

…left & down a bit from Australia.

What Would Jesus Do

…if he were accosted by giant octopi?…

…and he could shoot flames out of his hands…

…and there was 5 of him…Scan 35


…my good friend Dee says that if she had the Sistine Chapel to do over she’d use this pattern.

From A Great Height

Scan 36…far too hungover to comment today….

….Happy Birthday for yesterday, Morris Brown….

…may your head feel the way mine does


Octopus Obstacle

Scan 37…found languishing in an abandoned sketch book….

…doesn’t appear to be below my usual standard…

…can’t understand why I passed it by…

…i mean, it’s got an Octopus in it!