Sketchy 211

…back to the circuit board…

…(I vaguely remember that at this point I was considering laying the whole thing out with coloured string (or wool) so I could quickly adjust where I wanted the lines to go…but went ahead with drawing the damn thing over and over again)…(same level of lunacy I guess)….(and I didn’t have to spend time colouring in string/finding seven different coloured wools)….(“wools”?…is that a word?)…

Sketchy 209

…(as suggested by a regular reader commenting on the previous sketchbook page)…

…more “electrical drawings”….

…(although I had been thinking “tube train maps”)….

…(but really it’s tentacles)…

…(it’s always tentacles)….

…(unless it’s skulls and crossbones)…..

Sketchy 207

….clarity is a fleeting thing…

…that sometimes can only be grasped after many false starts…

…(or sometimes not at all)…

…(or sometimes only for your own minds eye)…

Sketchy 205

…seven colours in the centres…

…each surrounded by the ends of seven coloured tentacles…

…each tentacle originating from its corresponding coloured centre…


…might have to file this one under

…”things you probably shouldn’t try when you have long covid but did anyway because your brain needed the exercise and really…what else could you do with yourself between bouts of exhaustion”….

Sketchy 204


…finally figured that mind picture out…

…maybe I should try it in 7 colours. as suggested in the note in the bottom margin..

…(how many pages of sketchbook could that possibly take?)….

….(mmm…mind pictures)….

Sketchy 203


….finally figured out that if the middle bit is bugging you…

…just draw the middle bit over and over….

…no need to draw the same image again and again to sort one “small” detail!…


…sorted in one…

…(and don’t forget….you always gotta check them green boxes)….