Scam Postcard 6

…not a scam at all…

…more of an issue with bio-security…Scan 24


…if your not sure what I’m on about…

…and by the way, Charles, your doing it wrong.

Scam Postcard 4

…not really a scam…Scan 22


…more of a plea for resolution on the issue of the sheep flavoured exports to our fellow meat eaters in China.

(…in other news…it’s snowing relatively heavily for Dunedin today…was up real early to take photos, but both sets of batteries for the camera were flat…aaarrrgh!…grew up in more temperate climes, so snow is still a novelty…it only settles here every couple of winters…random…which adds to “our” excitement…)


(…at this point Tony abandons his blog so he can stare out the window…)

Scam Postcard 2 In A Series Of

…well…in a series of scam postcards…Scan 12


… a vague association could be construed between this “scheme” and the current goings on with “our” lamb exports to China…

…coincidentally topical, I assure you.

Scam Postcards

… I suggested yesterday that money making “schemes” for the digitally challenged could be achieved thru the postal system…

… and as it is important to start any money making venture with a full stomach, we’ll lead out with this general plea for sustenance assistance…Scan 11


…I’m sure this will be tantamount to holding a telethon for my stomach.

Ol’ School

…got me a nicely made,retro (70s?), Dept’ of Education blackboard at the tip shop a several weeks back…

…coupla coats of blackboard paint and…IMG_1256

…finally affixed it to the kitchen wall on Monday…

…easier to draw on, affixed, than when it’s balanced, precariously, on the bread bin…

…mission accomplished…

…somewhere to write shopping lists or to catch ideas for cartoons as they come out of the nearby radio…

…like so…


…pretty sure I didn’t mishear him, but this was at 6.00am and I’m pretty much running on instinct at that time of the morning…

…instinct and only one cup of coffee.

Current Economic Climate

…oh woe is me…

…the desperation involved with running a small biz in these uncertain economic times…

…what I need is a “fool-proof” way to generate a living income…

…without having to up-skill or sell-ass…

…something like those marvellous e-mails I get from Nigeria…

..but not involving I.T. ability…

…I have neat hand writing…

…postcards…scam postcards…

Scan 10


…yes, with a little fine tuning, that might just work.