If You Are Going To Steal Records

…don’t steal rarely seen cool shit like this….IMG_5950

…and don’t write your name in the cover…

…and don’t identify who you stole it from…

…even if you do use pseudo-pet-names….


especially in a small pond like Dunedin…

…where the degree of separation is so minimal that it is, to all intents & purposes, non-existent…

….I know who you both are and I’m pretty sure everyone else could take an educated guess!!

…(Booger Heazlemunter…we have your Lp and info’ that will lead to the arrest of the perpetrator!!!).

OOO Colour

Scan 782

…this is the first cartoon I completed in full colour (ed pencil)…a reprise of a ‘toon published the year before…at the request of an AIDs awareness group whose name escapes me….

…damn, I’m old enough to remember sex before condoms!

…(I only worked in colour when someone else requested it in days of yore…too expensive for me to reproduce…

…damn, I’m old enough to remember print costs before colour copiers and ink jet printers!)



…the Otago harbour sometimes does that annoying answer-to-my-question “magic-8-ball” thing…

…also recently washed up on the beach…IMG_6002IMG_6004IMG_6000

…another female sealion on a break…

…that’s the third in as many months (note the tag on the  near side flipper…something not present on the  other two)…

…nice to see them using the beach so regularly…


21 Years Behind The Brush

…ooo…this is the first page I did with a brush…Scan 781

…actually it’s got some pen work in it as well, but my confidence that the brush was a good idea took a couple of years to “take”…

…can’t remember the context for the idea…

…or which publication it appeared in…

….(possibly a capping mag’)….

Work Related Beer

….grabbed a pint or two of take-out from the those fine people at Emerson’s the other day…IMG_5863…mmmm….beer….

..mmm…taster’s notes…IMG_5865




….I made it into the taster’s notes…Scan 773

….could this be a case of mutual bad influence?…

…(after 2 pints I can’t find it in myself to refer to this marvellous brew as anything other than Phantom Menace…

….nobody else should drink this so that it will be more for me….

…so that it will be all for me…

…er…see what I mean about “menace”….

…keep it coming Emerson’s…

….LOVE your work!!!..).

I Am Here

Scan 771

…wearing the t-shirt you sent me….


…from your favourite record shop in Kansas….

Scan 772 (1)

…I’ve blurred your eyes to protect your anonymity….

: )



….(guys, thank you so much for the “t”….unfortunately you remembered me as slimmer than I actually am and I had to relinquish it to my good friend Dee…she loves it too!!…hoping like hell that you don’t follow the blog and that the postcard, pictured above, with the hand written link to this post, will come as a complete surprise….just like the t-shirt did…if you think the blurred pic is too creepy I can replace it with the original or delete it completely…your call…see y’all soon…

