Sketchy 177

…some time in late April/May….

…I decided , for some reason, to start trying to rekindle my comics skills….

…using the method that got me going again in…er…2008ish….

…one frame at a time….

…must have words…

…must have a picture…(quality optional)…

…must be vaguely sequential….

…must go from one side of the page to the other without stopping…

…must accept that results will be rubbish…

…(monkeys and typewriters)…

…(monkeys and typewriters)….

…(monkeys and typewriters)….

Sketchy 149

….last one of the “mind maps”….

…a request from Dee…

….mind snapped….

…don’t usually do requests…

…but she did ask nicely…

…and that’s enough of that…

Playing for time


…gave away my accumulation of 50/60/70/80s sci-fi pulps a while back…

…(zero resale value…unlikely to read them again…too many giant purple monsters)…

…but hung onto a couple with attractive (to me) covers….

…in side back cover ads deserve an honourable mention…

…and as an annex to a major framing project (yep, finally confronted the matte cutter in the room) I did this….



…back to painting circles…

…but not till I’ve scoffed a handful of testrones…

…(or was it overones?)….

Sketchy 106

…flailing ’round for new ideas at a good-idea-impasse in the sketchbook usually starts with an snailtopus…

..and finishes with an old, discarded idea re-visited….

…(‘scuse me while I draw coloured boxes over and over and over again)….

Paintbook 59/60

…kinda in that uneasy space between finishing something large and trying to start the next one…

…have a screed of notes and colour guides developing around my drawing table in preparation…

…was going to post some more sketchbook only to discover that I’d re-scanned the last page posted thinking it was the one I wanted to put up now…

…had to finish the above (abandoned since January) to get back into paintbook without guilt….

…now I want to do a “good” version to hang!….

…(ah…there’s that next rabbit hole…)….


Sketchy LXXXIV

…was trying to get some momentum to cartoon again….

….so have been doing sketch book comics from “found” scripts (the sketch book it is littered with “good ideas”)…

…but it all felt forced and incomplete (blanked when it came to backgrounds!)….

…kinda drifted back to eight legged things….

…and my good friend Dee gave me a coffee table book filled with Indian matchbox art….

…it would appear I’ve found another rabbit hole….


….first one I’ve written fresh in years…

…(…hmmm….feels like I may “recycled” some old story lines…and I’m pretty sure Yoof & Arty never had a cat before…but who’s around to police that?!?…)