Lockdown 5

….camera battery charged up again…now I can do what I was going to do yesterday…..

….ladies and gentlemen for solitarily confined edification….

…+oneware 27….

….with soothing sounds of buggered bearings and torrential autumn rain…


Lockdown 3

…the truth is I’m not really locked down…I work for a transport firm…unloading truck & trailer units and rail wagons, late at night, with a fork lift…I’m “essential”…at least while the freight still flows…we’ve already had our hours cut and start times moved as the numbers of truck arrivals are reduced….

…I’d have to admit to being a little disappointed that all the projects that immediately sprang to mind when the lockdown was announced, are now out of reach…especially with the shift in start/finish times meaning that I’ll be arriving home very close to my usual bedtime reducing the amount of daylight hours/Dee not sleeping hours available to me to nil…. so I’m picking that I’ll be sleep maladjusted and more than a little bit grumpy for the duration….(will be painting up a storm and/or complaining blogging in the wee hours to console myself)…..


….could be worse…

…while I’m at work my hallway could fall foul to an infestation of musicians and the instruments they rode in on…

…(note – amplifier in middle of hallway is disproportionately larger than attached instrument and plugged into the outlet closest to the log burner)….

…(not a trip hazard at all)….

Lockdown 2

…had our “essential” hours cut at work today…large reductions in freight mean less for the storepersons to do…might eventually have to stay home…thus reducing my reasons to enjoy the wonderment of driving around a city without traffic or people…….can foresee being able to dust off the to-read pile next to the bed in the near future….

Something A Little Deeper Perhaps

….mmmm…kidney shaped bowl….

…(…rediscovered this under the pile of flat trays!…must have a tidy up in the art pile and see what else I haven’t posted….)….

Slightly Larger Than The Last One

…but no less attractive with it’s gold/black/silver livery surrounding a rampant tentacle….

…and a slightly sideways view for those of us who require knowledge of depth….

…(mmmm…rampant tentacle)….