Dailies The Seventh

….I really should have thought this thru….

…while I do have a few more of these to show….

….I do not have a lot of different things to say about each one!…


….these two are on blue backgrounds….


…they face each other….

Dailies The Fifth

…pretty sure I’m on track with the order now…




…(covid brain does weird shit to time, space and the order of things)….

Sketchy 183

…continuation of the theme….

…(brace yourself I may have become a little absorbed in reworking our esteemed gothic emblem)…

…(read that as “get a cuppa, there’s more than one page of this”)….

…(or…”that’s not a thematic continuation, it’s obsessive cross hatching”)….

…(oh….and D.C.C. is “dunedin city council”)….

Dailies The Fourth


…this is actually the first one of the series….

…(note the paintbook page, bottom right, that these all stem from )….


…no one will notice….

….(I didn’t)….

Sketchy 182

……this it what happens when you stop trying gothic script from memory and go look at some gothic script….

…(caution – may exacerbate cross hatching compulsion) ….

Dailies The Third

…running late today…

….internet and phone down for ages….

…back up now….

….hurried words…

…more octo-icons for the pile….