Post My Recent Illness



….ignore the sign…



…10 a.m….

…Restore, 7 Gordon Street, Dunedin Central…

…10 fresh crates from the accumulation…

….I’m baaa-aaaack.

Push The Pause Button

…time to give your wallet a well deserved rest…

…send those weary crate digging fingers on a spa weekend…

…and more importantly, rebuild those relationships that mattered to you most before you became a record buying fiend…

…in short…

…there will be no fresh crates at Restore this week…

…I have that stinking cold that has been ravaging Dunedin over the last couple of weeks and am unable to stand in the donors garage and sort vinyl (let alone carry full crates) for the 8 hours required to provide 10 fresh crates for tomorrow morning…

…so lets all just take a step back, take a deep breath and steel ourselves for a return to the new “normal” next week…

…or you could go down tomorrow and take the opportunity to make sure you didn’t miss anything in the previous three weeks…

…(you know you did)….

And Then There Was Three


…how to empty the pockets and wallets of record collectors in Dunedin for a third week running…

…Step 1 :- condense records left over from last week…(place excess, if any, in crates under tables)…

…Step 2 :- fill gaps in between older crates with 10 freshly prepared crates…(mmm…fresh crates)…

…Step 3 :- let the record collectors know that they need to be up bright and early and at the doors of Restore, 7 Gordon Street, Dunedin Central at 10a.m. or they might be able afford groceries this week…

…Step 4 :- reassure the record collectors that there only are 3 (maybe 4)…(maybe 5) more weeks of 10 crate drops to endure…

…Step 5 :- avoid record collectors immediate families and employers for all of time.

Accumulation Drop The Second

…Restore, 7 Gordon Street, Dunedin Central…10a.m. sharp…

…10 more crates have been added to the accumulation…

…a sample….

…and another sample…..

…worked all day at the coal face…

…packed 10 crates into the car…

…processed 12 crates….

…dug 10 crates out from under the work bench in the garage…

…pile seems to be the same size…

….lots of empty crates at Restore….

…more of the same (but different) next week.

Set The Accumulation Free Day

…had a more sedate start than I was expecting….

…polite browsing on a Sunday morning seemed to be the order of the day…

…this guy was first thru the (back) door a couple of minutes early and was rewarded for his precociousness….

…this week we’ll tighten “security”…

….another early visitor with a large pile of goodies….

…look at that satisfied grin….

…and I that’s about it for the photos…

…I didn’t take any of the car “low-riding” with 20 crates on board…

…or get any vid’ of folk fossicking…

….maybe I’ll be more organised this Sunday the 11th of July when we drop the next 10 to 15 crates….

…hopefully it will be another goodie for Restore, 7 Gordon St. Dunedin Central…

…(heard we broke their daily turn over record on “opening day” and can’t wait to hear how they did during the week)…

…see you Sunday…

…bring your big wallet.

…(if you just got here, scroll down for photos, vid’ footage and an explanation of the accumulation).

…(did I mention the 10 to 15 fresh crates?).

Big Secret Project V

…I was going to post (again) about the grand first bite of that huge record accumulation at Restore, 7 Gordon St., Dunedin Central at today….

…but was so excited about “selling” records again that I neglected to take pic’s of my very overladen car or the carefully shrouded, 20 crate lump all ready to table at the store…

…so here’s a picture I painted to look at whilst you wait for the doors to open…

…it’s one of a series of ten I did during lockdown last year…

…(cue elevator music)….

……see you at 10.a.m.