I Know I Don’t Normally Post On A Sunday

…and I was going to get around to this…eventually…

…but had to be reminded (again) because my pace is no longer a pace conducive with the paces of those who flow around me….

…to that end…

…Ladies and Gentleman….

…it is with great urgency that I present The most recent addition to the Hoard…

….Vladimir and His Amazing Exposed Brain….

…(watcha thinking Vladimir?)…

After The Posters Are Pasted

….the mess is dealt with….

…and the finished article?…

…a variation on the theme…

…(it was intended as a “I-was-up-all-night-making-this” joke but Dee liked it straight away)….

…the one that Jones used….

…(hi Jones)…

…got real excited ‘cos I haven’t made a band poster forever and these are the three ideas out of five or six I had on the go that made it past the finished line….

…so much fun!….

…(I’m in possession of a big bunch of illustrations mined from redundant old encyclopaedias if any one else needs a band poster)….

…(farts not necessarily included)….

…(and before any of you say say anything…yes I’d love to go to the gig but will have to access my health on the day)….

The Bird Feeder

….if you feed the tahou (waxeye/silvereye)….

….you’ll eventually attract the korimako (bellbird)

….which in turn attracts the tui (parson bird)…

…who didn’t show up because I started too late in the season for him to take any notice as he was already doing quite well at a feeder a couple of houses over and now I’ll have to wait till next year to try and get him to come sing round my house….

Coping With Long Covid


….everything I do is split into “manageable” blocks interspersed with breathing exercises…

…all in aid of me not being an exhausted quivering blob at some point in the following 72 hours….

…stacking the fire wood for instance…

…I can manage four barrows, loaded and unloaded, before I need to rest…

…to help my befuddled mind I place one block on end per barrow as I go, so as not to exceed my measured limit….

…28 blocks equals 28 barrows equals 3m of nice macrocarpa winter warmth…


…(after the obligatory rest period)…



…(my mind seems to be misfiring at its usual level)….

Playing for time


…gave away my accumulation of 50/60/70/80s sci-fi pulps a while back…

…(zero resale value…unlikely to read them again…too many giant purple monsters)…

…but hung onto a couple with attractive (to me) covers….

…in side back cover ads deserve an honourable mention…

…and as an annex to a major framing project (yep, finally confronted the matte cutter in the room) I did this….



…back to painting circles…

…but not till I’ve scoffed a handful of testrones…

…(or was it overones?)….


…with a chance of hares….

….2 day holiday was a little stormy….

…(almost the best ever lightning and thunder I’ve ever experienced)…

…and after the inclemency a rainbow appeared…

…along with several representatives of the local introduced pest species….

….(non edible)…..

Last Sunday

..went for a “picnic” at the scenic container wharf at Port Chalmers, NZ….

..fed chips to the gulls…..

…what could this be?….




…Dee’s band, Tiny Pieces Of 8, has a track on this….

…flicking thru it at the moment and there are some awesome tracks…

…check it out…

…(I may have added the googly eyes to the sticker)…

Ladies And Gentlemen Start Your Engines

…. 20 crates (count ’em) of the record accumulation I’m currently processing will drop on the 4th of July, 2021, at Restore, 7 Gordon Street, Dunedin Central…

…here’s a random crate…

…ah, crap….let me try that again….

….the stack of 70 crates featured in last week’s post now sits at 72 with more to come from inside the house….

…we’ll be adding more crates to Restore’s stock every week for some time to come…

…something in there for almost everyone…


…see you Sunday, 11a.m…..


… and every subsequent Sunday…

…until it’s all done.