University Town

..Dunedin is a University town…

…so a lot of my earlier work is “student-centric” for the simple reason that student publications provided the best opportunities to see my stuff in print…Scan 454 Scan 455 Scan 456 Scan 457


…mutton pies?….

…try google images.

A Frustrating Morning

…dealing with the vagaries of my laptop running system upgrade…

…all the stuff my computer used to know….

…it’s forgotten…

…so whilst I retrain it, here’s one from the archive…Scan 453


…hmmmm…if computers were teddy bears…..

Enter The Cornelius

….here’s a picture I did for Cornelius Stone to publish in his fine comic, Razor…(way back in 1990)….Scan 444

…and our first collaborative effort….

Scan 447


…which I’m sure made sense in the context of something he was writing for us all to contribute to…

…but I’m buggered if I can remember what it was all about….

…Corn’ used to send out screeds of typed pages… sequential ideas with minimal stage direction…

…in the above example I think everyone got a chunk of the script…

…and free rein to interpret/re-write as you saw fit…so long as it started & finished as he’d suggested it would all join up as a cohesive piece…

…the “archival ‘toons” category over the next few months will consist mainly of stuff that Corn’ wrote & I drew….

…and having contacted him to seek permission to re-“publish” all this stuff I found that he is gearing up for more Knuckles The Nun/Oy-Oy carryings on….

…hide your children.

Another Celebrity In Store Visit

…this time it’s Lemmy…IMG_2650


…so named because of some large moles he has (not shown)…


…(is it just me, or do a disproportionate amount of people have pets named after celebrities?….

…I mean in the last 6 months we’ve had Keith Richards, Jarvis Cocker(leg) &, of course, regular visitor Floyd (Pink Floyd) and now Lemmy…just how many of these rock-pets are there??…



…oh fuck, what have I said!!!…rhetorical….that question was rhetorical!!!!).

Things Not To Attempt With The Flu

…number one….

…4 page cartoons…Scan 449 Scan 450 Scan 451 Scan 452


…number 2…

…sticking to a drawing schedule that has you ahead of your game….

…number 3…

…thinking up a third thing not to attempt.


…(man, this one nearly did for me….lost my 2 week buffer for posting…and am now a strong advocate for not-drawing-when-your-ill-to-meet-a-self-imposed-deadline).