….needs movement….

…nearly there…

…(apologies for the distorted scan…sketchbook celebrated its second birthday last week and is getting very lumpy)….

Ska Ska Ska

…some days the universe just screams at you “bust out yer Skatalites discs”….

….o.k. universe….O.K……..

…(wagon in the shed next door to work….they get the newer wagons, so they get the better graff’!)…..

Sketchy LXXXIV

…was trying to get some momentum to cartoon again….

….so have been doing sketch book comics from “found” scripts (the sketch book it is littered with “good ideas”)…

…but it all felt forced and incomplete (blanked when it came to backgrounds!)….

…kinda drifted back to eight legged things….

…and my good friend Dee gave me a coffee table book filled with Indian matchbox art….

…it would appear I’ve found another rabbit hole….


….first one I’ve written fresh in years…

…(…hmmm….feels like I may “recycled” some old story lines…and I’m pretty sure Yoof & Arty never had a cat before…but who’s around to police that?!?…)