Sketchy 233

…you can never have enough skulls…

…you can never have enough…

…you can never have…

…you can never…

…you can…

….can you?…

Sketchy 222

….now with more skulls..

…(inevitably with more skulls)….

….(and for those of you you were wondering on the miss quoted song lyric near the top)….

…who’s that calling?…

Sketchy 216

…nailed it…

…ready to go on the must paint that if I have time before I keel over…

…also need to make a 3d doom wheel of fortune asap….

Because I had The Belt Sander Out

…and I had some lumps of pallet wood…

…thought I ‘d try one of these…

…I might need a dozen or so for an idea in sketchbook and wanted to figure how long they would take….

….(ages as it happens)…

….(finish is black stain and dry brushed white)…

Correct Me If I’m Wrong

…but I think I’ve already posted pic’s of this unfinished…

…finally got up enough steam to finish the circles on the base…

…very happy with the results…

…can’t wait to have a crack at the “full-sized” one…

…(this was just a test)….