Sketchy 180

…brain can’t decide what to do with itself….

…comics or “art” projects….

…aaaaand time slowed down…

…(or…fun and games with long-covid and your creativity)…


….first one I’ve written fresh in years…

…(…hmmm….feels like I may “recycled” some old story lines…and I’m pretty sure Yoof & Arty never had a cat before…but who’s around to police that?!?…)

Sketchy LXXXII

…this one is for my good friend Dee…

…who had never seen someone butter cake….

…so I had to make up a story about the origins of buttering cake…

…(when in doubt, always blame the Country Women’s Institute)…

Sketchy LXXXI

…I went back and checked….

…it’s been along time since I attempted to do stuff sequentially….


…having some “fun” getting my head back in the game…

…figured if I stopped drawing patterns and went back into the notebook and trawled for storylines it would all come flooding back…

….this may take some time…

…it’s also been an age since I handled cash….

…Kate and the Queen are on seperate bills…

…(illustrated below if you’re not from around here)….

…(OMG…could Mrs. A’ be using 2 bills at once?)….

Sketchy LXXIX

…some more “Achievement Badges For Your Shit-Job”….

…gotta earn ’em all…

…oh, wait….

…someones already coined a similar phrase, haven’t they?….