Sketchy 233

…you can never have enough skulls…

…you can never have enough…

…you can never have…

…you can never…

…you can…

….can you?…

Sketchy 230

…it was at this point…

…that I decided not to pursue a career in triangle colouring in…

…it’s not that it became all too much…

…so much as noticing that some else’s blog I follow was heading down a similar path….

…I already have more than enough ideas to see me thru, so best to leave some for others….

Sketchy 228

…same thing….

…a few more colours…

…(just noticed the note at the bottom…may not reach paintbook with this…going thru a “not sure of everything” phase…so…not sure of I’ll pursue it further)….

Sketchy 227

…bottom right hand corner of the Sketchy 226 post…

…a wall panel motif I noticed in a movie restaurant scene…

…turned it into this…

…can’t remember the movie…

…but thought “that looks like a tentacle”…

…(no surprises there)….