Before I got Distracted By The GCSB Bill

…I was exploring the intricacies of American Ninja through the eyes of a portly fanboy (me) with a wrongish sense of humour….

….our story continues…(scroll back for the beginning, I can’t be arsed with a link)…Scan 123


…still no law suit, it must be lost in the post.

Dead Stock Obsessive Behaviour And Me

…for what seems like an age I’ve resisted selling stock on line…

…many debates have ensued in store (hi Ian!) about the validity of internet presence for the small record shop who would rather talk than type and would rather treat the vinyl that is offered to him as a local resource , instead of strip mining it and selling it to the wealthiest collector….

….use the door provided….IMG_1622

…if only somebody had explained the organisational intricacies of online auctioneering….

…the photography…

…the creative writing…

….the winnowing of sold from unsold…

…the re-listing …

…the ergonomics of it all….

…the foraging for suitable cardboard boxes…

…the production of mailers from said boxes…

…with a box cutter…

….box cutter

…the fact that the one guy who haunted the cheapie-bins now works night shift and doesn’t clean up the not-so-desirable-at-never-to-be -repeated-prices stock that is now the basis for my online sales (hi Tim!)…

….the sudden realisation that selling stuff on Trade-me (sorry guys, no plans to go “E-bay” just yet) is tantamount to getting folk to pay me to promote my biz to them….

…stamping  the Too Tone  bag-stamp on a 12 x 12 piece of cardboard to use as padding in the package  instead of adding a biz-card that is just as likely to get lost when the package is opened….

…i could go on but won’t ….

…still not doing requests or phone orders, but am spreading my web of evil….

…boo ha ha ha.

Normal Transmission May Not Be Resumed

…here is a test pattern to look at while I try to figure out wether that rather strongly worded post about my dissatisfaction over the NZ Govermnentzillas decision to pass a spy law by a slim majority has had me blocked to NZ viewers…..

…2 days….no NZ flags showing on my stats page…

…uh oh.
Scan 115

…any kiwis in the house?…

…gimme some love….

…or my paranoia will get the better of me.


….(4 NZ hits in the the first 20 minutes…phew, “they” aren’t out to get me….yet…)…

Happy GCSB Day Everyone

…you are now being legally spied on…Scan 118

…Allahu akbar…. fuck the USA… this is how we should all sign off anything we send or post via electronic media…

…let them sift through that….

…oh, and fuck you John Key…especially you.

…(some of you may think that language used in this post is a bit strong…but in a recent poll in this record shop 100% of customers and staff thought it wasn’t strong enough).

Based On Past Performance

…and current behaviour…Scan 117

…I have every confidence that the NZ Governmentzilla will handle the GCSB bill with the care & concern that only they are capable of…


…(and I spelt ticker-tape wrong).