Feastock 2013

…yeah…. Feastock only had one ticketing outlet this year…they sold out in under a week…IMG_1070

…closed the shop early…and had to come back 5 minutes later to correct the sign…

..up the hill…


…made sure Sam had all the right passes…

…found out that he doesn’t wash that green &  yellow ensemble between Feastocks… but he does keep it in a special draw…

…next, establish the whereabouts of beer…IMG_1074

…easy, followed Steve’s back trail…

(Oleh, you are a legend, the beer was superb, if only I hadn’t consumed so much!)


…Crispy, scaffolder extraordinaire and helpful beer dispensary supervisor…

…now off to my “traditional” spot


…and that’s what 300+ people in your back yard looks like…

… if you follow these wires…IMG_1113


…you’ll find Logan concentrating on the middle distance…

…or watching Callum doing the shout-outs…


…not to be confused with Callum holding the revised, edited, updated and complete list of shout outs…IMG_1102

…Radio One?…IMG_1092

…hell, that ol’ thing can run on remote…. (can’t quote him directly, but that was pretty much the gist of our conversation)…

…the show after Jamie’s may have been on auto as well…


…for reasons that shall remain…er… reasons.

Hey Seedy!..Who’s on next?…


…Left or Something?…IMG_1156IMG_1157IMG_1165

…and then things started to get a little dim….


…and we staggered home.

Feastock…damn that was fun!


more Feastock 2013 pic’s at https://boredinarecordshop.wordpress.com/2013/05/03/what-too-tone-really-did-at-feastock/

Contains Drug Inferences

…totally not the season, but you’re getting these in sequential order…Scan 161


…an, look at that bleed thru… can’t believe I went for so long double siding these…

…and signing it twice!??!…what the unconciously-egotistical-hell is all that about?

All At Sea

…had this idea that humane whaling for scientific purposes was an avenue worth illustrating…Scan 158


of course people will adopt the practice of  sneaking up behind the whale, blocking its blowhole with a big red plunger and   doing whatever “scientific” tests they need to do before the subject regains consciousness…

of course

…after lengthy negotiations with the consultancy firm that monitors my degree of “fucking stupid” I came to conclusion that any form of whaling, inhumane or thought up by a cartoonist, is not such a good idea and tweaked the concept to appeal to a wider audience…

…my apologies to all the arseholes who continue to kill whales for anything other than a customary food source…


Scan 160


…no apologies to two-headed monsters that have become the accepted form of governing folk, not only in New Zealand, but the world over…

…don’t row, it only encourages them.

The Farce Is Strong

…in this one…Scan 159…the longer this goes on the more incompetent  the powers that be look…

…a clear case of justified karma, as those in charge of this country do have a tendency to treat us like retarded meal-tickets…

…or am I just being cynical?

The One That Didn’t Make The Grade

…it had everything…sharks, complex patterns, spirals, fatc**t…Scan 157

… a bit busy, for my tastes, so not destined to get the ink/brush/colouring-in pencil treatment…

… forever languishing in the sketchbook…

…or appearing here as filler between finished “product” posts.

Stare Into The Illustration

…you are feeling sleepy…sleepy…Scan 156

…or nauseated, one of the two, sometimes I get them confused…

…can’t think of a title for this one…

…sorry, bit distracted today by the fact that “views” on this blog are going thru the ceiling this morning…was it something I said?

…any information regarding this spike in interest would be greatly appreciated.

The Title For This One Is

….Vision Questing Fatc**ts In Nudie Inspired Suits…Scan 155


…and yes, my eyes did hurt and I did need a lie down once I’d finished it.

Feastock Tickets Sold Out

…fuck record store day… I’ve been real busy selling tickets to that most salubrious of Dunedin musical institutions…Feastock…

…and these guys (who were too busy doing celebratory dances to leave their names) got the last 2 tickets…



…if you still need one you could try begging and pleading… feastock@gmail.com

…and there is always “walk ups” at the after party at Re-Fuel…

…yeee haaa, I’m goin’ to Feastock!