Without Preamble

….a holiday project started in January….

…a few finishing touches at home….

…aaaaand we’re done….

…on the box….

…on the “canvas”….

…on the box….

…on the “canvas”….

…on the box….

…on the “canvas”….

…on the box….

…on the “canvas”….

…there…..pretty sure I had a similar set when I was young, but never completed it because – gluggy oil paints….

….much easier to wait till they turn up in a thrift shop and just add octopus to suit….

…was mildly unsettled every time someone expressed disappointment that I just festooned other peoples work with a bloody great cephalopod instead of painstakingly rendering the bloody annoying things myself….

…then these came up on the local auction sight….

…mint in box with 40+ year old super gluggy oil paints….

…thought that it would be a wise/wonderful idea to replace said glug with the acrylic test pots that I favour….until I worked out how much having a near as damn matching set to aid my endeavour would cost…

…so made do with what I already had for the most part….

…might octopi when the nausea subsides…..

…but as I have now achieved my childhood dream of finishing not one, but four pain by numbers paintings, it appears that my life is now complete….

Lockdown 22

…checked the mailbox today….first time in ages…(who even checks their letterbox any more?)…

…and bugger-me-days if that nice Jah-cinders hasn’t sent me a lockdown activity pack….

…I had to provide my own scissors….but she seems to have spared no expense on this wonderful time burning package…..

…let’s see what fun things we can do with it, shall we?….

…there…that’s 10 minutes that I don’t have to worry about finding ways to alleviate the seemingly endless tedium of having to stay home ALL the time…

…(hmmm…something tells me I may have peaked creatively before the lockdown ends)….

…(…did I buy enough toilet paper?…)….


…pony….Scan 556 Scan 557




…(written at my cousin Phil’s kitchen table several years back, to annoy his daughter who, at the time, was a world renowned expert on all things equine…Hi Phoebe!…).

Unintentional Horse Cow Hybrid

…it’s supposed to be a horse…Scan 160


…not a cow…

…a horse, I tells ye.


(…and here we see an earlier incarnation of the “shredderator” device….a shame the technology has devolved to just producing pinky grey slime…the unrealised potential of pinky grey slime encased in pastry will now & forever remain but a foot note in the Too Tone Multiverse…)


(…blah blah blah…)

Adopt An Animal

Scan 101Scan 102


…but maybe not that one.


…(the 100 pages celebration at the bottom denotes 100 pages completed on my less than recent sojourn to the U.K.)…

I Suppose I Should Explain

Scan 96


…that this was written to annoy my second cousin whose girlish enthusiasm for all things pony bordered on the psychotic….

…her Dad & me (& her less than sympathetic siblings) spent many an evening discussing  recipes and alternate uses for our dear, dear equine friends…

…pony,pony,pony….was the common catch cry.


…(the psychotic thing is a family trait).