Where Was I

…oh, that’s right…7 years ago I was just arriving back from the UK with a sketch book full of story ideas that I thought I should commit to paper…

…when, suddenly, I was distracted by a whole bunch of other ideas that just had to be drawn first….

…and then….


…the original from 2009….

Attenborough I Aint

….and now for the rest of the story….

(in weekly instalments  of course).

Another One

…and thankfully the last…Scan 280


…the conversation that spawned this and the other road-worker/Abba mash-up hit upon only 2 Abba tunes that this character will work with….

…and I’m sure that you’ll agree that if you come up with any others that we may have missed you’ll keep them to yourself so as not further encourage this sort of behaviour.

I Suppose I Should Explain

Scan 96


…that this was written to annoy my second cousin whose girlish enthusiasm for all things pony bordered on the psychotic….

…her Dad & me (& her less than sympathetic siblings) spent many an evening discussing  recipes and alternate uses for our dear, dear equine friends…

…pony,pony,pony….was the common catch cry.


…(the psychotic thing is a family trait).