Where Was I

…oh, that’s right…7 years ago I was just arriving back from the UK with a sketch book full of story ideas that I thought I should commit to paper…

…when, suddenly, I was distracted by a whole bunch of other ideas that just had to be drawn first….

…and then….


…the original from 2009….

Attenborough I Aint

….and now for the rest of the story….

(in weekly instalments  of course).

Troubling Signs In The UK

… whilst working in the UK as a garden centre delivery off-sider (sit in the truck, talk shit, look at scenery, hump things about at destination, return to depot, repeat)…. I came across this…IMG_2344….we were at this spot for hours before any one let us in (the delivery must go thru…. it says so on the paper work)….

… but for shear “Wot the F…”



… this prince among signs from the Bournemouth Aero Museum takes the cake.

(no rabbits bursting forth from their burrows on large, badly mufflered, motorised contrivences were encountered during our visit)