Lockdown 19

….been poking about for stuff to show you all…

…tried dredging the sketchbook and most everything in there is part of an ongoing secret project with a planned “big reveal”….

…except for this….

…was becoming concerned with the polls for the American Presidential election…(yeah…remember that?)….and thought I should possibly drift towards commenting in words and pictures….(haven’t done that for awhile)….

…finally had to lean on Shepard Fairey’s masterpiece from awhile ago….

….but, decided to leave it to the professionals…(surely Shepard has already thought of this)….


The Waihopai Spy Base Of Your Dreams

…is it my imagination or is our governments (and yours, dear foreigners) attitude towards surveillance, the doing of & the tech for the doing, similar to that of a 13 year old boy with his first handful of porn?…Scan 93


…Waihopai, GCSB, PRISM….if-your-not-being-bad-you-don’t-need-to-worry….

…for those of you who aren’t from around here,…the Waihopai Spy Base is an American sponsored thorn in our NZ asses…

…not ours, not necessary, not giving me a stiffy, not going away any time soon.


…are being celebrated here at Boredinarecordshop…

…being celebrated in fine style with the “piece” that has had me prevaricating all week…

…for anyone who unfollows in disgust, I can be quoted as saying “It seemed like a good idea at the time”…

…enjoy – if you don’t enjoy, don’t judge…


…Ladies and Gentlemen may I present “Tony’s Political Primer”…Scan 100Scan 101Scan 102Scan 103Scan 105Scan 106Scan 107


…wow, you made it this far… I wasn’t sure you’d join me here…

…er… it has been my experience that 4 out of 5 people read “Fatc**t” as “Fatcat”…

…it isn’t…

…still with me?

…picture if you will the “artist” in is 6th week of smoking cessation… to the concern (and amusement ) of his friends, family and peers he has become very manic in his speech and actions… he is continually thrashing around in his sketchbook working thru another set of cigarette-craving induced ideas…

…the fat floaty guys start to get an edge, the “artist’s” imagination dipped in post-tobacco-anti-governmental vitriol…

…describing all establishment suits as Fatc**ts had become a habit (TV news time in our house…the air is BLUE)…

…the idea for the Primer was only going to be a sample page… but “manic” took over and before I knew it I had the whole thing drawn…

Scan 99


…all seven pages of it…

…good god, what was I thinking…

..good god, why, when I had returned to a more sedate version of myself did I feel the need to do the whole damn thing again in full colour….

…creative process?…desperate cry for attention?…both?.

Just Say No

….when election time comes…Scan 76


…and from the sketch book…


Scan 81


…post cigarette resentment of politicians builds….

…had to take it out on someone…..

…rather “them” than those close at hand.

Parliamentary Coconut Shy

…roll up, roll up… knock the politician from his perch and win…Scan 75


…and the original sketch…

Scan 80


…which, yes, contains rifles…

…thought it wise to leave them out because I didn’t want to be seen to advocate what has always puzzled me in this country….

…with all the moaning we do about them how come we never shoot the buggers?

For Christchurch

…even though I don’t live somewhere that has fallen down, I know a lot of folk that do…

…post earthquakes I did more than my fair share of trauma counselling…unpaid…unacknowledged…unnoticed…

…customers… they unload… I don’t mind doing it , but I can’t charge for it….

…you soon develop a healthy distaste for anything your government is allegedly doing to alleviate peoples suffering…Scan 72

…..and here’s the original visual rant…

Scan 77

…fat guys in suits….this may become habitual.