Octo-Icons 4

….anyone for doubles?….

….(the third quote on the left hand icon is from H.P. Lovecraft’s “Call Of Cthulhu”….where in he name checks Dunedin and our resident seadogs)…

….double frame in case you need two…

…more tentacle for your buck….

Now With Eyes And Gaping Maws

…but it’s really hard to photograph them all at once…

…and I didn’t want to kill my post-view-count by doing them individually (again)…


…not quite…



….that’s it…(from the top of a step-ladder)

…almost worth making the bed for…

…(now where are those frames that I prepared earlier?)….

…(35….in case you’re wondering…there are 35 of the bloody things!)….

Dailies The Twentieth

… showing the daily progression of these pieces was supposed to enable me to quietly produce loads more stuff for you all to see whilst feeling no deadline pressure….

…as a stalling tactic is works admirably…..

…except that I didn’t realise that I would run low on descriptive drivel to bookend them….

…I now spend a great deal of my new found deadline-free-quiet-time trying to generate said descriptive drivel bookends….

….(mmm…descriptive drivel bookends)….

Dailies The Second

…green and blue…


…green and blue…

…(er…actually that blue is what I consider to be indigo in my rainbow reality)….


This Almost Broke Me

….it’s a hand cut template from an old lever arch file…

…(thickest card I could find..it’s going to take a beating!)….

…I’d already approached two people to have it done by machine via digital files….

…one lot wouldn’t admit it was outside their wheel house (stalled me twice saying “nah, nah we’re on to it”) and the other was too busy to fit it in.to there schedule…

…eventually got bored with waiting so did it myself, the only way I know how….

…it took two days….

…(y’know…long-covid…work…rest…work…rest…work…fall flat on face)…

….so this will have to do…

…I need to make another to make a set of facing stamps/blocks for another project….

…maybe next year….

Sketchbook LXXIV


…so this seemed like a “natural” progression from everything I’ve been doodling leading up to this point …

…and the red and blue?….

…the green and black seem to run out faster in these four colour pens and I’m gonna try and even them out ‘cos I hate it when you run out on two colours and there’s ink to be used…

….(looks forlornly at pile of half used up four colour pens)….

Sketchy XVI

…this page….further musings on the “Raise Zealandia” idea and some plans for the library day bed….

…that page…back to the real work at hand….
