Working On The Principles

…that the kids have all stopped googling “Santa”…

…and that the big guy himself is now on holiday…

…I’m hoping this won’t affect the contents of my stocking next Xmas….Scan 547 Scan 548 Scan 549 Scan 550


….but I’m not holding my breath.

But Cereally Folks

Scan 504


Scan 505


…I hope they have “Crunchy Clusters” where you are….

…otherwise that last line won’t make sense.

…(or maybe it’s best you don’t know what they are in case I put you off finishing that box you have in the cupboard).

I Can Stall No Longer

…must…publish…fresh…cartoon….Scan 320 Scan 321


…ahhh, that’s better.


…(if you just got here – Yoof & Arty get licences out of cereal boxes….y’know like when someone says to you “where did you get your licence…from a @#$% cereal box?”…which my mind blended with a series of “get-your-fat-ass-active” activity cards that some cereal firms where offering for awhile…till they realised nobody wanted an active-fat-ass…and thusly I acquired the perfect set up scenario for many a jolly jape).

Here We Go Again

…a 3 page cartoon that you are going to be drip fed over three days…Scan 288


…more tomorrow.



…(and here is a link to the last time Yoof & Arty found a licence to drive a bus in their cereal…


On The Buses


….mmm, irritable bowel).