Sketchy 154


…prescribed “cures”…



…(and somebody suggested I needed a Dooom cloud)….

…(can’t remember the context for any of these words but keep an eye on the ainjell)….


Scan 947

…had to happen I guess…

…started this “cover” illustration in November 2014 thinking (naively) that the rough story arc in the sketchbook would only take a month or so to get thru….


I Hope You’re Sitting Down

…because this one goes on for a bit….Scan 365 Scan 366 Scan 367 Scan 368 Scan 369


…many references to previous stuff in older cartoons…scroll back…scroll back…scroll back.


…or alternatively…go to the “reader” section of your wordpress sight and type in “Catballs”…or “little green men”…that should muddy it up for you.